
beonleon's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 340 (From 72 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 5,875 Points


Medals Earned: 4/7 (25/175 points)

Fruity friend 5 Points

Collect a bonus kiwi

Close call 5 Points

Complete a level with 0.1 seconds remaining or less

Unbalanced 10 Points

Die 10 times in a single run

10,000 5 Points

Reach a score of 10,000

In it for the long run 25 Points

Complete 50 levels in a single run

50,000 25 Points

Reach a score of 50,000

100,000 100 Points

Reach a score of 100,000


Medals Earned: 12/14 (395/500 points)

gettin started 5 Points

defeat 5 enemies in one game

fifty dead 5 Points

defeat 50 enemies in one game

hundred dead 5 Points

defeat 100 enemies in one game

spiky 10 Points

get spiky

full power 10 Points

maximum energy

hitchhiker 10 Points

recruit one hitchhiker

full house 25 Points

recruit four hitchhikers

big damage 25 Points

fully upgrade your damage

ulti kill 50 Points

defeat 500 enemies in one game

MAX LEVEL 50 Points

reach level 20

MAX BIG LUCK 100 Points

get the best score in the post-max level pachinko game

minesweeper 100 Points

reach 500 points without taking damage from a mine

soccser 64 5 Points

kick a downed bandit six times

ONLY LEFT 100 Points

reach level 20 by only selecting the left upgrade

Stealing the Diamond

Medals Earned: 4/11 (155/435 points)

BUNP 5 Points

I TOLD you dog!

Aggressive Ending 50 Points

Win the aggressive way

Epic Ending 50 Points

Win the epic way

Undetected Ending 50 Points

Win the undetected way

It's a Joke Guys 5 Points

I did it on purpose...

01100010 10 Points

6d 69 73 73 69 6e 67 6e 6f 0d 0a

Like a D6 10 Points

Lose 6 points

Failtastic 50 Points

Fail 55 times

Fail Champion 100 Points

Watch all 40 unique fails

Obscure Medal 100 Points

You know you want this medal

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Surviving the Snowstorm

Medals Earned: 4/4 (95/95 points)

Rank: BT 10 Points

You won!

Rank: OO 10 Points

You won!

Cold Blooded 50 Points

Get all fails in StS.

Surprise! 25 Points

Get jumpscared by Henry.

Teleport Jumper

Medals Earned: 6/6 (215/215 points)

4 Levels 5 Points

Complete 4 levels.

8 Levels 10 Points

Complete 8 levels.

12 Levels 25 Points

Complete 12 levels.

16 Levels 25 Points

Complete 16 levels.

20 Levels 50 Points

Complete 20 levels.

24 Levels 100 Points

Complete 24 levels.

The 1000

Medals Earned: 10/14 (170/570 points)

Twig 5 Points

Buy it from the store

Well prepared 5 Points

Equip any item

Team Building 25 Points

Equip an item in each team slot

Getting Knowledge 5 Points

Buy a book

100 Kills 5 Points

Get 100 kills in a game

1000 Kills 10 Points

Get 1000 kills in a game

10000 50 Points

Get 10000 kills in a game

Getting Cozy 5 Points

Enjoy the fire and music

Difficulty 1 10 Points

Reach Difficulty 10

Difficulty 2 50 Points

Reach Difficulty 50

Difficulty 3 100 Points

Reach Difficulty 100

Who You Gonna Call 100 Points


Happy Customer 100 Points

Buy everything the store has to offer

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

The Clockmaker

Medals Earned: 2/4 (10/40 points)

Storytime 5 Points

You generated a story, well done!

Rewind time! 5 Points

You decided to change it up a bit, go you!

Sound Off 5 Points

I don't want to hear any more music, thanks.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Time Dungeon

Medals Earned: 3/9 (35/270 points)

LV 5 5 Points

Reach level 5

Half Way 5 Points

Find the old structure

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

BOSS 10 Points

Kill the Demogorgon

LV 9 25 Points

Reach level 9

DMG 0-0 50 Points

Finish without taking damage

GC 0 50 Points

Win without spending gold

ALL ARM 50 Points

Find every armor

ALL DMG 50 Points

Find every weapon

Tiny Escape- Forest

Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/165 points)

You're Doing Great! 5 Points

Figure out what to do from the start...

Pink Mustache 10 Points

Hello, everybody, my name is...

D-D Brothers 10 Points

Is it the author or the composer..? Or maybe both?

Little Shroom 10 Points

It's-a me!

Golden Bear 10 Points

Is it the 1987?!

One of Them? 10 Points

I probably shouldn't touch this one...

A Better One 10 Points

This one looks like mine, but... from a different place...

Feel the Stars 25 Points

A piece of mysterious universe...

Seems Familiar 25 Points

Must be a part of some website title...

Tryhard 50 Points

Finish all 8 levels

Toss the Turtle

Medals Earned: 10/20 (110/500 points)

Acupuncture 5 Points

Get skewered on spikes

Gold Star 5 Points

Launch the Turtle

Jump Man 5 Points

Smash a goomba

Novice 5 Points

Launch 1 mile (5,280ft)

Amateur 10 Points

Launch 5 miles (26,400ft)

Drunk Driver 10 Points

Blow up a jeep

in Space 10 Points

Reach space

Strong Armed 10 Points

Get punched by a banana

Icarus 25 Points

Get burned by a sun

Radioactive 25 Points

Use a nuke

Question Mark 5 Points

Find the hidden button

Harrasment 10 Points

Crush an angry ground creature

Abducted 25 Points

Get caught by a UFO

Persistent 25 Points

Play over an hour

Professional 25 Points

Launch 10 miles (52,800ft)

Addicted 50 Points

Play over 2 hours

Golden Shell 50 Points

Buy everything

Master 50 Points

Launch 25 miles (132,000ft)

Traveler 50 Points

Total over 1 million feet

WorldsEdge 100 Points

Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)